Forums - Do moderators do anything? Show all 76 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Do moderators do anything? ( Posted by State of Nature on 03:19:2001 10:34 AM: Nobody who makes helpful threads gets positive karma. People make bigoted comments (mostly homophobic) with no repercussions. People like Upyago post 3 word posts which have nothing to do with the thread just to get shields, which is pure spamming. Read every post he has done, he just registered today, and none of his posts have to do with any of the topics. Chronic flamers aren't given negative karma. Some posters, like Golden Nismor, post 80% flames, and nothing happens. So my question is, why is there Karma when none of it is ever applied, or it is applied randomly? People should be able to express whatever opinions they have, but shield-hunters and chronic flamers should be banned. The current moderation is a joke, and it dilutes the quality of the site while sucking bandwidth. Posted by ReCharredSigh on 03:19:2001 10:47 AM: correction: Golden Misnor was given -2 Karma, but i guess i share everyone's opinion by saying that they should have taken much more from him, concerning how he only bragged about his secret(hah, yeah right) MVC2 trap. i'm guessing many people make positive comments; maybe the moderators are looking for people that comment WAY above average, like a ton of encouragement or something like that, or really helpful tips, instead of just criticizm. but you are right, maybe some people just post to get the flaming shields. but how would you really know? maybe some people are just lenient to talking little. i for one just post because i want to talk, and i don't do this to get flaming shields or to get more shields. if i did, i'd already have like 2000 posts or something. i just like the fact that i'm gaining something by reading you guys' posts and replying back. plus the atmosphere is (mainly)friendly. "I need a little room to pray cause I'm one step closer to the edge, and I'm about to break!!!!" -Linkin Park Posted by State of Nature on 03:19:2001 10:52 AM: Let me clarify: I'm not against friendly conversation. What bothers me is when people only flame (the chipping post by nismor is almost completely comprised of flames), or post gibberish. All of Upyago's posts so far have been in random topics, and have all been "uppity up up!" or "up up up" or "keep on moving up." This is clearly an attempt yo get shields at the expense of bandwidth, and it wastes people's time. As for positive Karma, I have in mind all the people who start threads teaching strategy, like Jinmaster and GYL in MvC2 and ST respectively. Or Viscant, who posts amazing info and never gets positive Karma. The moderation is whack and needs to be reformed. The site is suffering because of it. Posted by ReCharredSigh on 03:19:2001 11:14 AM: oh yeah, now i understand you. like when psx2000 starts a long post about cvs trying to help everyone. then he gets -2 karma. for what? for trying to help people understand more about b5. and jin, i haven't read his posts, but i understand he also started this long forum about mvc2 helping people. as for Upyago, i wonder why he does that? btw, i think you share my opinions of golden mismor. i didn't reply to his 100% chip combo, but i was pretty to say the very least, annoyed. he really deserved more than -2 karma. keep in mind though that some moderators are more responsive than others. take James Chen. have you noticed that he seems to reply more to us in our forums than anyone else? if we talk cvs, you can bet if you start a good tourney topic(take my CvS Guile Trap topic for example), he comes in and offers tidbits on what some people do. "I need a little room to pray cause I'm one step closer to the edge, and I'm about to break!!!!" -Linkin Park Posted by Yushiro on 03:19:2001 11:22 AM: I wouldn't worry about it and I feel the moderator's are doing all they can to read all the current and past thread's from either today or a couple of day's ago to see who is being good or bad. But I feel ya that it's extremely hard to get positive karma however very easy to get negative karma for useless spamming or flaming. It's truly hard to tell nowaday's on this site weither or not we are being friendly, posting intelligent thread's or reply's while were online here. James Chen, and akumachan are the most reponsive type of moderator's that can help out a great deal and I give them prop's for a job well done. The problem though is that they can't be on 24 hours a day... I try hard to help other member's on the strategy and tactic's section with psx2000. Also to update on the B5 section, Folsom does have DDR 3rd Mix now so if anyone has interest playing DDR while participating for B5 go for it. Also to really be honest, I have no clue as to how I got my karma point's. It's like a suprise that just hit's us out of the blue but let's not feel bad about it since just being ourselves here is all that should really matter to us. ^_^ Time for me to go now. Ja Na Minna-san... "Ore wa shinsetsu na hito desu..." Dizzy-chan ^_^ Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:19:2001 12:13 PM: I have said the same thing a million times.. it doesnt change anything.. the mods care about what the mods care about.. there is nothing we can obviously isnt appreciated... later SON great post BTW but wrong forum... ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Look into my eyes....see the realness? Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 03:19:2001 04:18 PM: I NOW PRONOUNCE THIS BOARD DEAD - R.I.P. WTF is goin on here?!?! I stop reading for a month, come back and I see ALL this shit goin on! Why are the mods allowing this? Like 80% of the stuff posted here is flames or bitching about how MvC2 is "cheesy". There is also a HUGE mass of OT threads that really need to be moved but aren't. I don't see any threads at all containing anything resembling helpful advice. is going the way of GameFAQS, if the mods don't start doing something (start deleting posts and banning people) then this board WILL become Gamefaqs. Why the hell are topics from 3 months ago resurfacing now? For the love of God please do something, this is the BEST SF site/forum on the net and it's going to ruin because a mass of retards come in running thier mouths. Posted by upyago on 03:20:2001 12:49 AM: Hi guys! No, I wasn't trying to get a load of shields. I just wanted to revive the topics that were about to be deleted due to the fact that they were slipping off the last page. Didn't mean to cause a hassle though. It's always so hard to say goodbye. Posted by omni on 03:20:2001 01:21 AM: The past week has been a rather unique week for SRK. Ink got married and was on a honeymoon, I moved to california and was visiting Choi for the whole week until my 'normal' life settled in - thus both me and choi barely even read SRK. Seth was on spring break and in nor cal as well, thus ink, choi, me and seth were all NOT paying attention to SRK except when we had to. None of us are paid to help moderate these forums, stuff will fall through the cracks - it's not a perfect system. Derek Daniels Posted by Javi on 03:20:2001 01:32 AM: To add to omni's srk status, I was coming off a major tournament, fending off controversy left and right, my car had problems, I have job (my REAL job) issues, and I was just plain exhausted with the problems piled up. As for akumachan, she was off, taking a much needed vacation, and making her wedding plans. Hence, the sparatic updates and the non-moderation of the forums. Posted by Monkey on 03:20:2001 01:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by omni: The past week has been a rather unique week for SRK. Ink got married and was on a honeymoon, I moved to california and was visiting Choi for the whole week until my 'normal' life settled in - thus both me and choi barely even read SRK. Seth was on spring break and in nor cal as well, thus ink, choi, me and seth were all NOT paying attention to SRK except when we had to. None of us are paid to help moderate these forums, stuff will fall through the cracks - it's not a perfect system. Derek Daniels Thats why ya'll need someone like me! -Monkey Posted by Monkey on 03:20:2001 01:40 AM: By the way, Whats up Omni! I wondered where you been lately, and hows Calli? I always wanted to go there sometime in my life. -Monkey Posted by LOVER on 03:20:2001 01:45 AM: you're wrong moderators, if you can't keep up with the work then how are you supposed to be taken seriously, you said that you guys looking for support for B5 even from capcom, I DON'T THINK SO, the forums are trash now and the overall site is going down, with updates of every 2 weeks no more videos and some other bull... So in other words you guys are not serious about it and this whole site is no more that merely a hobby for you. That's why I think competition is stealing away "your" people. Posted by Monkey on 03:20:2001 01:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by LOVER: you're wrong moderators, if you can't keep up with the work then how are you supposed to be taken seriously, you said that you guys looking for support for B5 even from capcom, I DON'T THINK SO, the forums are trash now and the overall site is going down, with updates of every 2 weeks no more videos and some other bull... So in other words you guys are not serious about it and this whole site is no more that merely a hobby for you. That's why I think competition is stealing away "your" people. If you dont like it here, then why come? Just to post bullshit like that? The Mods do have lives other than SRK.. They cant be here 24/7 and if you would have read anything that Omni or Javi posted..You would know why they were not around. -Monkey Posted by LOVER on 03:20:2001 01:56 AM: who the heck are you? I obviously like the site, that's why I'm letting them know of the truth, so if you even know how to read, go to general game discussion and tell me what you see Posted by LOVER on 03:20:2001 02:09 AM: just look at this topic: donate to b5 you fuckers? what kind of ....I'm tired of typing but you see my point monkey, one last thing: STOP kissing ass so much, you think that'll get you to be a moderator, what a shame. Posted by LOLO on 03:20:2001 02:20 AM: i guess the mods really did sthg... they give out karma and they moves those out of topic post to the General Discussion forum~~ and for giving positive karma, i guess they will be the judge of whether or not ppl made any useful posts~~ KEN -Engineering Rules- Posted by SSJGouKi on 03:20:2001 02:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by omni: Ink got married and was on a honeymoon, I moved to california and was visiting Choi for the whole week until my 'normal' life settled in - thus both me and choi barely even read SRK. Seth was on spring break and in nor cal as well, thus ink, choi, me and seth were all NOT paying attention to SRK except when we had to. None of us are paid to help moderate these forums, stuff will fall through the cracks - it's not a perfect system. Derek Daniels Omni, if all the mods and admin. are all busy.. how will i get my B4 tape then.. i guess that explains why i haven't gotten mines yet.. its been a week and a half could you plz send them to me? ------------------------ 3rd Strike- The way of a True Warrior. Top Row: 1-4, Bottom Row: 5-8, i pick Athena #7 Posted by BloodRiotIori on 03:20:2001 02:44 AM: don't worry, mods, if any of y'all are busy just give me the word and i'll help keep things in order Hey kyo, shut your mouth Posted by Monkey on 03:20:2001 03:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by LOVER: just look at this topic: donate to b5 you fuckers? what kind of ....I'm tired of typing but you see my point monkey, one last thing: STOP kissing ass so much, you think that'll get you to be a moderator, what a shame. Whatever, Javi and the rest of Shoryuken needs money for B5, it got peoples attention. -Monkey Posted by SinfestBoy on 03:20:2001 04:12 AM: hell, I have a negative karma and I have no clue why! Posted by Shinobi on 03:20:2001 04:39 AM: more text...-)_0 changed... EXtreme vids Posted by Javi on 03:20:2001 05:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by LOVER: you're wrong moderators, if you can't keep up with the work then how are you supposed to be taken seriously, you said that you guys looking for support for B5 even from capcom, I DON'T THINK SO, the forums are trash now and the overall site is going down, with updates of every 2 weeks no more videos and some other bull... So in other words you guys are not serious about it and this whole site is no more that merely a hobby for you. That's why I think competition is stealing away "your" people. First of all, about that topic, it said "Donate to B5, you FOCKERS!" If you ever watched the movie "Meet the Parents", the main character's last name is "Focker". It was meant to be a joke. About keeping up with the site... it just so happened that the majority of the staff and moderators were off doing other things. Is this site more important than a marriage? Is it more important than making a major career move that affects ones life? I think not. I have already given reasons why I was unable to attend to this site... And you are right. This site is a hobby. We don't get paid for it, nor do we expect it. As for the General Discussion... that's what it is there for. People are supposed to talk about whatever they want, whether it is real-life issues, or other hobbies that they want to show to others. It is not to be taken seriously. I am willing to be that over 90% of those people who post over there actually read the general gaming discussion, strategy and tactics, and the tournament results. We assure you we are now working at 100% capacity, and we will continue to deliver the content that is desired by the people, for FREE. Posted by *Magneto* on 03:20:2001 05:49 AM: Okay,For sure the modertae.Other than that I don't know.Do they get paid is the question? Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by VietLoc on 03:20:2001 05:58 AM: how did you guys decide who got to be moderators in the first place? Posted by bahn on 03:20:2001 06:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by *Magneto*: Okay,For sure the modertae.Other than that I don't know.Do they get paid is the question? Javi and omni both stated that we are not paid, along with justified reasons as to why we havent' been around as much. All your intelligence are belong to us The Next Level "You must learn to block or my speed will always overcome you." Posted by moderator on 03:20:2001 08:10 AM: lover Of course it's a hobby, idiot. moderators(real ones) If you want to know whoe deserves negative karma, search Immature(cames heer just to falme and admits it), O. Ryoga, Nismor(or whatever of his fake names). Shock Mega X is chnaging for better, but his topic is load of fulls. If you want to know who deserves positive karma, search Jinmaster, Fluffy, Viscant Dasrik(well, maybe not because of the flames), Kdcmarvel and NatexGrey. I got serious good stuff from all of them Posted by LOVER on 03:20:2001 08:12 AM: how would you guys explain then, that the only people that get positive karma are duc do, viscant and meaby a few other with special circumstances, excuse me but that's kissing (_|_), just because they have the best doesn't nescesarily means that they have worked and helped more than others. Posted by LOVER on 03:20:2001 08:19 AM: to moderator: you are anothr obvious example of the downfall of this site, or you mean to tell me that you have been here from january and only posted 5 times? why don't you post with your original screen name? To me you are just afraid. don't mention karma if you don't implement it. Now a days if some one post something related to actual gaming it will only get like 3 replys. Posted by jchensor on 03:20:2001 08:21 AM: Just want to add my two cents... Moderating a whole Forum is tough. I do my best with the Strategies Forum, and with the amount of time I have, I can't read every thread AND write back all the inforamtion I try to write up. AND at the same time think strongly on Karma issues and stuff. I reward what I see (I HAVE given Jin some karma points, for example, but I choose not to publicly announce these things) and I'll punish what I see (I have lowered people's karma as well). We do our best. And it's not easy. And I know this opens up a lot of "Well let ME be a moderator if you guys are so busy!!" type comments... Although we ARE busy, we do take our tasks very seriously, and it's never easy, over the internet, to determine if someone you turn into a moderator will share the same seriousness to the job. There is one thing to say that we don't "regulate" enough (though this is suppsoed to be a free place for people to write what they want, as long as it's not completely worthless), but it's another to give the ability to change karma to people who might go mad with power, throwing out karma changes left and right. This website isn't here to be a judge of character, so we don't want people with -67 karma being known as assholes or anything, or people with 57 karma being considered Gods. In the end, we're all on equal level, no one is more special than others, which is why I respect that and consider karma point changes very precious and in need of strong consideration. You can't be sure that people you get to become moderators will treat this process with equal restraint. If it were as easy to see someone, based on their posts, that, yes, he/she can be fully trusted to the task, life would be nice. In fact, if you could judge from people's posts these kind of things, we wouldn't need karma in the first place, and probably wouldn't even really need moderators. So please, give us all a break, here. We do the best we can. I know I haven't made any combo videos in a while, true, but again, I have my reasons. Plus, I feel like I've been doing a lot of my part in the Strategies Forums, trying my best to give people stuff they can't find anywhere else. As for the lack of combo videos, I just went through a VERY mentally trying personal issue that I can say drastically affected my whole outlook on life. So I have reasons why I'm on a slight hiatus from combo videos (though you can expect new things soon). If everyone here could be a Moderator for a day, then they may experience the pressure of and understand what it's like to be a 40+ hour a week working stiff, having a personal life, going through their own problems and major events, having other hobbies, maintaining a social circle of buddies you hang out with, and having a tremendous lack of sleep, with a bunch of people criticizing you on how well you are doing a job that you don't get paid for at all on a website. I'm not trying to bitch here, just trying to help get a perspective of what it's like. - James "Don't call me cheap, call me champ!" - Zangief Posted by ImMature on 03:20:2001 08:43 AM: quote: Originally posted by LOVER: to moderator: you are anothr obvious example of the downfall of this site, or you mean to tell me that you have been here from january and only posted 5 times? why don't you post with your original screen name? To me you are just afraid. Do you wanna know who this "moderator" guy is? Just that halfwit tron again, trying to back up his opinions with yet another online alter-ego. If you don't believe me compare their profiles. This guy's soooo dumb that it's not even funny Oh well, at least he's not pretending to be a Jap AGAIN as he did at Posted by Biggs on 03:20:2001 10:30 AM: What are the ways to get positive karma, and what are the ways to get negative karma(bare with me, I'm new here....). Posted by Yushiro on 03:20:2001 10:32 AM: Hmm...this is getting very interesting. To all Moderator's and Administrator's. Here is my opinion on this topic and I just got back from going out with my girl again. Jun is also trying to setup wedding plan's for me but we both don't know if it's going to happen and I just want to congratulation's to Inkblot on having a nice honeymoon and I hope you have a great marriage with your woman. I feel that being a moderator here on a forum is not an easy job as people see it now and I mentioned earler that it's almost impossible for the Mod's or Admin's to be on 24/7 on this forum moderating all the stuff that's going on here. Even I'm unable to handle 24/7 on since my japanese girl is here and I finally managed to get a job so I can go out with my girl and continue our loving relationship together. James Chen does the best that he can on the Strategy and Tactic's forum helping out other member's giving out tip's on SF related games as well as moderating the forum at the same time. I also want to thank him for encouraging more member's to come to B5 tournament despite the doubt's that they have weither or not they are good. I'm going they're for the huge gathering having fun playing games, meeting other people, and also meet with the best japanese player's and any japanese girl's that came along as well. Also Javi, Omni, Bahn, Ponder, and akumachan I feel that should be given prop's for moderating and helping out this site to become one of the stronger forum's on the net and I will give them prop's for all their help for maintaining this site despite all the financial problem's that they are facing. Therefore we shouldn't argue about this but instead help them out more and make their job's easier. This does seem hard at first but I feel that if we help each other then this forum or site will become stronger then it is now. Also I would be very greatful to meet with the member's and staff here at the B5 tournament. If my wedding plan's with Jun doesn't work out due to a prearranged marriage back from Japan after she get's back then I'll still be single looking for a girl to go out with. That's my opinion ^_^ "Ore wa shinsetsu na hito desu..." Dizzy-chan ^_^ Posted by inkblot on 03:20:2001 10:48 AM: James is a nice guy, and his explanation of things is quite accurate and gracious. I'm not a nice guy, so here's a more blunt explanation. The moderators' primary job is to keep these forums on topic. They do a good job in this regard. It is NOT to hand out cookies like Karma and pat you on the back for every nugget of information that you post. So no, Karma is not and will never be given out perfectly fairly and evenly, because it's nearly impossible to do so with the traffic on these boards. You know what? It's a little glowing shield. It's not a big deal. If you think it's a big deal, start rethinking why you're here. Thanks for the contrats on the wedding -- if I get some time I'll post some picts. My only regret is that the wedding/honeymoon has led to the "downfall of this site," since between planning the most important event of my life and relaxing afterwards, I didn't have enough time to post yet another combo movie for LOVER (dripping sarcasm). Posted by LOVER on 03:20:2001 11:02 AM: to inmature: that is really funny, r u sure u r not him? i don't think so Posted by Yushiro on 03:20:2001 11:09 AM: Very nice explanation Inkblot and member's here shouldn't worry about the karma system at all. It's sort of like if you get a karma point then cool. If not no biggie and just move on. I also agree that it's just a weird glowing shield that pop's up out of nowhere. Nothing fancy about it and shouldn't be a big deal to everyone here. I've been trying to explain to the member's that just being yourself helping out other's and being polite to other's is all that should really matter and not to worry about the Karma point's. All I can say is that your wedding is the most important day/event in your entire life and I feel that it didn't lead to the downfall of forum's. It may have been a downfall for a couple of day's or a week but they're is always time to go back and help fix the broken part's or pieces. Anyway's I hope you have a happy life with your woman Inkblot and keep maintaining this great site. ^_^ "Ore wa shinsetsu na hito desu..." Dizzy-chan ^_^ Posted by omni on 03:20:2001 01:54 PM: One thing that I think a lot of people are messing is that they think *we* (as in the moderators/admins) should be policing every single post. That is NOT the primary role. The main role is to make sure that the posts posted within a specific forum stay on topic. I could care less what you people have to say, be it you think morrigan is sexy (you need to get out more) or whatever. Instead of crying/whining/etc to us - go flame these people. You guys all belong to the same community (srk) so go police this place yourselves. All of the adminstrators/moderators come from a usenet background ( if you really wish to care) where there was NO moderation. Why do you think Seth is so good at flaming people? He's had since like 1992 to practice. You people are too used to being babysitted - show some initiative and take these people down yourselves (but don't even think about spamming our boards). If you think the quality of posts suck - you know why? Cause you fools arne't posting anything good!!! None of us are paid for this site (some are even in lots and lots of debt due to it) and we all have lives (which i think a lot of you don't) - if SRK is that important to you where you feel like crying about something, either do something about it or ask yourself why is this place so important? And what part of, 'i moved to california, seth was gone, javi's life was being turned upside down, ink was gone, blah blah' did you guys not read regarding a b4 tape? Give it a minute. Derek Daniels Posted by MrWizard on 03:20:2001 02:02 PM: I am the mole! I see all that goes on in here, so for one minute dont think that this place goes unmoderated. Just be thankful I dont throw you on the SRK ban list. MrWizard Posted by BloodRiotIori on 03:20:2001 04:18 PM: hey mods, i've got a question. do you read everything on these forums and become involved in discussion, or do you just scan through looking for trouble makers?? Hey kyo, shut your mouth Posted by Monkey on 03:20:2001 05:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by *Magneto*: Okay,For sure the modertae.Other than that I don't know.Do they get paid is the question? <IMG SRC=""> Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! The answer to the question was before in the topic...If you would read a couple posts before yours, you'll see.. But the answer is no. -Monkey Posted by Monkey on 03:20:2001 06:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by inkblot: James is a nice guy, and his explanation of things is quite accurate and gracious. I'm not a nice guy, so here's a more blunt explanation. The moderators' primary job is to keep these forums on topic. They do a good job in this regard. It is NOT to hand out cookies like Karma and pat you on the back for every nugget of information that you post. So no, Karma is not and will never be given out perfectly fairly and evenly, because it's nearly impossible to do so with the traffic on these boards. You know what? It's a little glowing shield. It's not a big deal. If you think it's a big deal, start rethinking why you're here. Thanks for the contrats on the wedding -- if I get some time I'll post some picts. My only regret is that the wedding/honeymoon has led to the "downfall of this site," since between planning the most important event of my life and relaxing afterwards, I didn't have enough time to post yet another combo movie for LOVER (dripping sarcasm). Just wanted to say congradulations on getting married. -Monkey Posted by LOVER on 03:20:2001 07:51 PM: in any moment was I refering to your individual lives, And I do know that you guys have lives of your own, all I'm saying is that this "hobby" has grown to be a 4000+ member site and everyday is more known that this is the number one site for SF games and as such it deserves all the attention it can get. Posted by bis on 03:20:2001 08:04 PM: The moderators seem to let certain people slide and then when you make a statement about it they close your thread. Go to general discussions and i made a post which was closed in minutes. Because they were scared about the stuff i was saying was true!=p Posted by Jinmaster on 03:20:2001 09:07 PM: James Chen, "(I HAVE given Jin some karma points, for example, but I choose not to publicly announce these things) and I'll punish what I see (I have lowered people's karma as well)" You mean me right? -Micah Posted by jchensor on 03:21:2001 12:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: James Chen, "(I HAVE given Jin some karma points, for example, but I choose not to publicly announce these things) and I'll punish what I see (I have lowered people's karma as well)" You mean me right? -Micah Yeah, I do. I was just too lazy to type out "Jinmaster" at the time. ^_^ It was late late late at night and I shouldn't have been still at work... so I took short cuts typing wherever I could. - James Posted by phillip on 03:21:2001 01:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by SinfestBoy: hell, I have a negative karma and I have no clue why! you said it bro. And you know what's a shame, the mods won't even tell you what you did. Ovbiously, one of you modz modded me, so tell me the reason. And then when i did finally get an answer from akumachan. she said "i have no idea" or something releated to that. I'm not mad at Akumachan, no. But, i still would like a reason why. I've been creating like 3 topics now waiting for an answer. Whoever modded me, tell my what was it for. I'm not mad. I am just curious. And i don't think that i deserve it anyways. I see so many people here that cuss all the time, that spam so much just to get sheilds and stuff. And yet none of them get caught. And you know you are. And Golden Nismor talked so much shit and all that bull about the so called "All-Star Team" that i think he should have gotten even more negative karma. I would name some people that i see cuss way too much or that spam all the time but i don't wanna get on anyone's badside so i just won't say anything. Anyways, mods, please read my 3rd! topic situated to this called "Yo' Modz and Administators". That's all i have to say. later, -phillip Click here to see my FAQs! Posted by phillip on 03:21:2001 01:56 AM: quote: Originally posted by LOVER: to moderator: you are anothr obvious example of the downfall of this site, or you mean to tell me that you have been here from january and only posted 5 times? why don't you post with your original screen name? To me you are just afraid. don't mention karma if you don't implement it. Now a days if some one post something related to actual gaming it will only get like 3 replys. you seem like the downfall to me Click here to see my FAQs! Posted by moderator on 03:21:2001 08:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by LOVER: to moderator: you are anothr obvious example of the downfall of this site, or you mean to tell me that you have been here from january and only posted 5 times? why don't you post with your original screen name? To me you are just afraid. don't mention karma if you don't implement it. Now a days if some one post something related to actual gaming it will only get like 3 replys. I was threatening you the way you threatened others. My first posts were intelligent questions, months ago. If you doubt, go search Duc's thread and you'll find me there. Thsi Immature guy is really one of the worse. He knows less than me about fighting, go look at his posts and you will see what negative karma is for... Posted by ImMature on 03:21:2001 08:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by moderator: Thsi Immature guy is really one of the worse. He knows less than me about fighting, go look at his posts and you will see what negative karma is for... Shaddup tron. At least I dun log in with a different nick each time to support *my* own opinions. THOSE are the kinda people who should be banned, y'know? Posted by LOVER on 03:21:2001 09:39 AM: to philip: who asked for your opinion to inmature and moderator(same guy) don't turn this topic into yet another useless one Posted by lmMature on 03:21:2001 09:59 AM: quote: Originally posted by LOVER: to philip: who asked for your opinion to inmature and moderator(same guy) don't turn this topic into yet another useless one I like to kiss my own ass, because I'm a total scrub. Any problems with that? Posted by shinalkuma on 03:21:2001 10:21 AM: i'm a moderator of another site and i dont do $hit Posted by tr0n on 03:21:2001 08:45 PM: I'm tron aka moderator aka Tokyobest and I like to suck the top player's cocks. I should be banned for impersonating other posters though Posted by JTScotty15 on 03:21:2001 09:05 PM: I hear moderators suck a lot of dick all day long, they even suck each other's dicks. Sounds like fun actually, i would love to suck dick all day long since i'm such a faggot...! Peace to my homos out there and keep sucking dick!!! Posted by Jinmaster on 03:21:2001 10:06 PM: James, I don't seem to have any karma yet... at least I don't think I do. -Micah Posted by akumachan on 03:21:2001 11:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by inkblot: Thanks for the contrats on the wedding -- if I get some time I'll post some picts. My only regret is that the wedding/honeymoon has led to the "downfall of this site," since between planning the most important event of my life and relaxing afterwards, I didn't have enough time to post yet another combo movie for LOVER (dripping sarcasm). exactly. So sorry, if we have to take time and actually attend to our REAL lives instead of being here all day so you guys can feel special. If any of you think for one second that moderating SRK comes anywhere close in importance to my wedding that is happening in a couple of months then you are SADLY mistaken. If you don't like the way these forums are run, then I suggest you go make your own forums. You guys have NO CLUE how much time and energy is spent providing a good and informative atmosphere for you guys to chat in. Not only are we not paid, but Inkblot has to PAY out of his own pocket to keep this place running. Do you realize how much time it takes to read all the threads? And as for karma, if you feel that you or someone else has contributed in an especially positive or negative way to these forums and you think that you have been left out of the karma loop then let us know for christsake. We have e-mail! E-mail us why you think you or someone else deserves positive or negative karma and give us links and we will react accordingly. But you cannot expect us to see everything that goes on. Several people e-mail me and say.. "Hey I saw this huge thread on CVS and I think that one person in there deserves positive karma for being really helpful" They give me a link. I check it out, and if its true then they get their positive karma. THis is your forum to. Instead of whining abotu it. Why not help out a bit? I notice there are a few people who will actually help police this place when the mods aren't here. Why not be one of those people?? Several people report back to me when they see trouble instead of ignoring it or making it worse. You may not have the power to close threads or ban people, but you do have the power to notice things and let us know if you think we missed it. There are better things to do than whine and complain. a-chan: The Glorious Snob For 15 years FBI agent Robert Hanssen sold sensitive U.S. secrets to Moscow. Among the information he divulged over the years: 1991: In Super Mario 3, in the first fortress, go to the door that takes you to boom-boom, but don't go in. Instead, pick up the leaf and use it to fly over the wall. Press up and you can enter the door that has a treasure chest inside. Open the chest and inside you will find a warp whistle. Posted by SSJGouKi on 03:21:2001 11:37 PM: Inkblot, if i had the money.. i would give to this site as much as i could.. if i could give $1000+ dollars i would give it to this site... why?? because i enjoy staying here.. this is the ONLY site on the net that i stay at... there is no other site i go to.. the net is boring as hell. The only thing i was able to do is order a B4 tape.. i hope that helps you out Inkblot... keep up the great work you have done. peace out ------------ Posted by *Magneto* on 03:21:2001 11:50 PM: yah,me and Monkey usually hold it down on good posts.and I have to say I'm sick of one word posts there really annoying they just do it o boost there posts.Sheesh when will they learn! Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by InstantKarma on 03:22:2001 12:37 AM: You know, this really sickens me. Here we have a handful of people who work their asses off to bring us one of the best topical video game forums on the web and all people do is criticize them at every turn. Yeah, shit gets hairy around here sometimes, but dumbasses are like weeds, you can't pull them fast enough to get them all gone. Funny thing is, the pure assholes usually get banned right away. The hard ones are the guys that post pertanent stuff one minute and garbage the next. Really, everyone had their opinion on how the site should be run. Over in GD yesterday there was a guy calling the mods facist because they were closing his threads so fast. Then here you have guys crying about them not doing enough quick enough. You know, I would never open a site like this. As cool as it would be to have given this to the community, stop and think about really how much time and effort it would take to keep a stile like this the best it can be (or trying to work towards that goal). Tall and short of it is: cram it. You SHOULD be kissing these peoples asses. You SHOULD send them money. Fuck, I would send Inkblot ten bucks to go buy beer with just for being cool enough to do what he is doing. Basically this is the eqivalent of someone inviting you over for dinner and you complaining about their food, their house, their conversation and then pissing on the floor before you leave. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves. Oh, and one more thing. The karma thing is just a little system to keep things interesting. It means nothing no nobody. Stop your damn bellyaching about it. If it makes you feel like a better person, you can have mine. Oh wait, no you can't. You don't deserve it. Posted by jchensor on 03:22:2001 01:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: James, I don't seem to have any karma yet... at least I don't think I do. -Micah Hey, Jinmaster, you do. Check your profile. The positive Karma is reflected by glowing shields (and when it's not a higher number, it's hard to see). Check InstantKarma's shields. He has a higer karma and you can see the glow. Trust me, yours is there. ^_^ Just check your profile if you aren't convinced. - James Posted by Jinmaster on 03:22:2001 02:12 AM: Oh ok, I thought I was looking for a karma +1. I didn't notice a difference betwen my shields and anyone else's till now. It's of like dark lines? Eventually they get whiter and brighter or something? -Micah Posted by Jin on 03:22:2001 02:21 AM: I checked my profile for kicks, but I don't see anything indicative of Karma like, aywhere. Maybe I missed something... -Micah Posted by Javi on 03:22:2001 03:29 AM: Yes. They start off pretty dark... but as you get more, they start to glow brighter. Of course, this only works in IE 5.0 or greater. Netscape is dumb. I think the best color you can get is a golden color, but no one so far has been able to achieve this. Posted by Jinmaster on 03:22:2001 03:32 AM: Heh, I personally think that the initial stages of Karma don't look so hot. Looks like my shields are growing sporadic hair or something. =) Posted by Tigard's Own Dr. Evil on 03:22:2001 06:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by InstantKarma: You know, this really sickens me. Here we have a handful of people who work their asses off to bring us one of the best topical video game forums on the web and all people do is criticize them at every turn. Yeah, shit gets hairy around here sometimes, but dumbasses are like weeds, you can't pull them fast enough to get them all gone. Funny thing is, the pure assholes usually get banned right away. The hard ones are the guys that post pertanent stuff one minute and garbage the next. Really, everyone had their opinion on how the site should be run. Over in GD yesterday there was a guy calling the mods facist because they were closing his threads so fast. Then here you have guys crying about them not doing enough quick enough. You know, I would never open a site like this. As cool as it would be to have given this to the community, stop and think about really how much time and effort it would take to keep a stile like this the best it can be (or trying to work towards that goal). Tall and short of it is: cram it. You SHOULD be kissing these peoples asses. You SHOULD send them money. Fuck, I would send Inkblot ten bucks to go buy beer with just for being cool enough to do what he is doing. Basically this is the eqivalent of someone inviting you over for dinner and you complaining about their food, their house, their conversation and then pissing on the floor before you leave. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves. Oh, and one more thing. The karma thing is just a little system to keep things interesting. It means nothing no nobody. Stop your damn bellyaching about it. If it makes you feel like a better person, you can have mine. Oh wait, no you can't. You don't deserve it. Hear, hear! Posted by Cletus Kasady on 03:22:2001 06:38 AM: Inkblot: Shame on you indeed for having a life! That goes for the rest of the mods too! At any rate, I may as well congratulate you on getting married (It's not like my opinion matters, but hey, compliments sure don't hurt any). Best of luck, man, you deserve it. - Cletus Kasady Posted by Flint3125 on 03:22:2001 07:38 AM: Well, I agree IK completely. The Staff of SRK has done a terrific job here and they deserve our thanks and congrats. Thanks for putting up with all of us and providing a great site. Congrats for having a life on top of the above. As for the Karma guys, I'd like to say something witty. I can't so I'll just say this: What's the point of Karma? 42. James, love the sig! And on the seventh day God went to the arcade... Posted by lmMature on 03:22:2001 07:56 AM: I'm so afraid............ Posted by stormhammer on 03:22:2001 08:54 AM: okay. I've read the topic of discussion and a number of the responses posted and now I intend to use up the only time I had for eating today in posting my own response. As has been mentioned several times in both related posts, the Moderators are humans. The name Akumachan does not mean that a female version of Akuma is sitting on the other side of the web, The name S-Kill does not mean that a being whose sole purpose of killing the letter s exists and moderats these forums, no. They are people justlike you and me (Mostly you.) Which means like us, they DO NOT STAY HERE 24 7. They eat, sleep, work (This place is free for you and me to access, but not free for them to keep running.) and they also moderate. You claim that they are not doing enough? let me put a few numbers together for you: No. of registered posters on this forum: 4000+ No. Of mods on this forum: 9. What are they doing? here's the list I've gathered. Updating the boards, gathering data on anything and everything videogame related and making it readily available for the masses (ie Us posters) Responding to and making posts here to further inform and/or help out those who visit this board, maintaining an atmosphere that can be enjoyed by all via rewards (Karma system) or disciplene (Negative Karma, Closing threads), and let's not forget about that other thing they do, Interact with us. In addition to their daily lives, they have added on the task of communicating with over 4000+ strangers of all ages, shapes, sizes, and what have you not for money (This is a free site, remember?) or fame,(I've never seen any of them myself) but because they thought it was a good idea. Naturally, as with everything else in human history, This is yet another idea where the human ability to abuse and take advantage of something has come to lay its corrupting hands. For every person that makes a good and decent thread on this site, there will be at least one that will make something that is not good and/or not decent. I've been guilty of both myself, some cases where I had not even intended to do so. so what, should I be kicked out? no. If I didn't have anything to add on that day that was of benefit to this forum and its members, I should have not added it. You say that nobody that makes helpful threads gets positive Karma? and? Did that make the thread less helpful? I've posted dozens of topics that I thought were either useful, funny, informative or revealing in some sort of way that never even got so much as a post before they disappeared. Truth to tell, it never made my heart rate change so much as an inch. I've posted some BS here before that has gotten high numbers of hits when All I wanted to do was blow off some steam without resoting to physical violence. Again, no problem to me. Simply put, If it is something that is of use to you, then by all means use it. If you think that someone deserves a thanks for a particularly good post, then say so to them. If someone is consistenly posting topics that you think are not good, don't bother answering them. As in state of nature's open comments on the "Do moderators do anything?" thread, most of the types named were those who seek only to abuse and take advantage of things such as this forum. (I.E., people who make bigoted comments, Those who only spam, etc.) In addition to wasting the money of the one(s) running this forum, they add a distinct stench to the otherwise air of good comradeship found here. What do you want the mods to do? Remove the bad,bad children everytime they appear? Why wait that long? You have a keyboard in YOUR hands as well and even thought they cannont make you a moderator, they never said you couldn't jump down a spammer's throat with both shoes and stomp them out either. I want you to all stop waiting for someone else to take the ball and get up and do it yourselves. If these people see that only the mods are going to do something, they will pick on the others here that are not. If they see the ENTIRE group of us taking them down, they won't want to stay. You can't erase bad people. It won't be that easy ever. You can always be stronger than them. The next time you want to say that the Mods aren't doing enough, try doing their job yourself. Do you think that they are going to be able to look at every post on this board and give them all individual attention and pat the back f or kick the ass of each and every person who deserves it? No. If you see something wrong, bring it to their attention either in post or through E-mail. Nobody said you couldn't help out and it will show them that you want to be part of the solution and not the problem. (Note: This is a very effective way of being on the good side of them as well WITHOUT have to resort to what is known as "Ass-kissing" which normally only hinders progress instead of helping.) Let's face it. Sooner or later you may very well tire of this board. It's happened to a number of posters already. (Does anyone remeber Greenbeard the Pirate? I miss that guy.) As has been said by many here, if it is so important to you to have X number of Karma, X number of posts, X number of responses to your posts, etc. Stop for a second and ask yourself why. I am in no way intending to put down or belittle this website as I myself like the place and I too am fond of it. However, If I thought for one second that I was becoming too caught up in the happenings here, I'd get out. For all that this place has done for me and means to me, it simply is not that important to me to be here. If I cannot reach ever again, I won't die. I won't lose an invaluable piece of my life, I won't even lose any of my own person or abilities. This website is here for entertainment and enjoyment, not to replace a missing piece of your life. The people who run it are not here as a lifeline. They opened a free website such as this becasue they liked the idea and probably thought that others would like it too. If you continue to make this place more of a headache for them than the fun they had intended, chances are they will lock the door and toss the key. Think about that the next time you start up another thread to whine or complain. You can sit there and cry until you've wet up the entire room, or get up and fix the problem yourself. If you need help, I'm certain that the 400+ members that reside here will prove suficient to whatever task comes forth. -Stormhammer- BTW, Congrats to Inkblot on crossing the line of marriage. hope you two have a long happy time together. to omni: hope that normal life has settled in for you now. I know what a pain an abnormal life can be. A-Chan and Seth: Hope you enjoyed your vacations. Everyone needs a break in order to keep from breaking things. Javi: hope your tourney went well. I hope that Job and life problem you stated has died down by now. JChen: Moderating this place is tough. I can only hope that the mental issues you went through were not caused by or triggered by being here. It would be an ironic cruelty to have that happen. MrWizard: LOL! "All-seeing mole" Indeed.......................... Posted by psx2000 on 03:22:2001 09:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by ReCharredSigh: oh yeah, now i understand you. like when psx2000 starts a long post about cvs trying to help everyone. then he gets -2 karma. for what? for trying to help people understand more about b5. and jin, i haven't read his posts, but i understand he also started this long forum about mvc2 helping people. as for Upyago, i wonder why he does that? btw, i think you share my opinions of golden mismor. i didn't reply to his 100% chip combo, but i was pretty to say the very least, annoyed. he really deserved more than -2 karma. keep in mind though that some moderators are more responsive than others. take James Chen. have you noticed that he seems to reply more to us in our forums than anyone else? if we talk cvs, you can bet if you start a good tourney topic(take my CvS Guile Trap topic for example), he comes in and offers tidbits on what some people do. "I need a little room to pray cause I'm one step closer to the edge, and I'm about to break!!!!" -Linkin Park all i cna say is this . i dont hate any moderators a while back i got negative 2 karma and you know what i will admit it i deserved it . I aint going to bitch and complain about others not getting it . my take is this dont get caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Anyone remember in school where a bunch of kids be doing something bad and like 1 or 2 get busted but the others dont, the reason was cause they didnt get caught . And you know what we never told on them . Its a old saying of dont get caught with your hands in the cookie jar, now as for people that are mad they got negative karma why dont you just do a search of things u posted in the last few days and see if there is anything there that can be offensive. Im sure all mods have a good reason why they did it. And in time trust me your karma will go away . Heck i was at negative 2 man. I came back to normal. Its not the end of the world . My only worry when i had karma was i was worried people wouldnt take my advice and think im not trust worthy cause of it. Other than that it didnt really bother me much. As for postive karma its not like ur the teachers pet its cool to have but if i dont get it, its not the end of the world. Just put this simple thought in your heard inkblot can solve this by just closing the boards and i dont think anyone hear wants that. And to all the mods thanks for doing your jobs.and i know you got lives and i dont blame you for not catching everything heck even i couldnt. Posted by SSJGouKi on 03:22:2001 09:21 AM: hey kool psx2000, you got your galaga sheilds back Congratulations! ------------ Posted by MuD on 03:22:2001 12:28 PM: Damn... people sure do whine a lot! Ya'll act like this place is the Devil or something... jeez louise! I cant even think of anything to say! FOR EVERYONE WHO WHINED ABOOT KARMA: It's a glowing shield. I know for a fact that some people cant even see it. (I cant, and supposedly i HAVE karma) But let me the first to say that YOU CAN TAKE AWAY MY KARMA IF IT KEEPS THESE PEOPLE SHUT THE HELL UP. It's not that important to me. It's not like people read what I post, karma or no. Seriously, youre making a big, smelly deal over something thats really small. FOR EVERYONE WHO COMPLAINS ABOOT "NON-MODERATING": Shut up. As has been stated NUMEROUS TIMES that they have other things to do (live lives for instance). Just cuz this is your hobby, doesnt mean that they can be here 24/7 to listen to you complain how someone said that your Kyo combo for CvsSNK is "doo-doo". Or other small, ignorable "problems" that people LOVE to bitch aboot. I hate whining. Now that everyone is back, let's see how horrible the moderating is, and make another thread later. Ill put money on the fact that things will get a LOT better. And, just to be fair, i have seen a fall-off in quality, and quality control. But we now know why. And changes will be made. Let's give em some time to do their "jobs" (not really a job if you don get paid, no?). And get back to less whining and better POSTING. Theyll handle the rest. MaD: I AM THE ULTIMATE GIMICK!! MuD: INDEED!!! Posted by SSJGouKi on 03:22:2001 07:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: Heh, I personally think that the initial stages of Karma don't look so hot. Looks like my shields are growing sporadic hair or something. =) LOL i agree, go and shave Jin! ------------ Posted by psx2000 on 03:22:2001 07:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by MuD: Damn... people sure do whine a lot! Ya'll act like this place is the Devil or something... jeez louise! I cant even think of anything to say! FOR EVERYONE WHO WHINED ABOOT KARMA: It's a glowing shield. I know for a fact that some people cant even see it. (I cant, and supposedly i HAVE karma) But let me the first to say that YOU CAN TAKE AWAY MY KARMA IF IT KEEPS THESE PEOPLE SHUT THE HELL UP. It's not that important to me. It's not like people read what I post, karma or no. Seriously, youre making a big, smelly deal over something thats really small. FOR EVERYONE WHO COMPLAINS ABOOT "NON-MODERATING": Shut up. As has been stated NUMEROUS TIMES that they have other things to do (live lives for instance). Just cuz this is your hobby, doesnt mean that they can be here 24/7 to listen to you complain how someone said that your Kyo combo for CvsSNK is "doo-doo". Or other small, ignorable "problems" that people LOVE to bitch aboot. I hate whining. Now that everyone is back, let's see how horrible the moderating is, and make another thread later. Ill put money on the fact that things will get a LOT better. And, just to be fair, i have seen a fall-off in quality, and quality control. But we now know why. And changes will be made. Let's give em some time to do their "jobs" (not really a job if you don get paid, no?). And get back to less whining and better POSTING. Theyll handle the rest. MaD: I AM THE ULTIMATE GIMICK!! MuD: INDEED!!! man perfectly said and i still wish people will remember that they can close these boards when ever they feel like it , speaking of closing i wouldnt be surprised to see this topic closed soon. Posted by Slick on 03:22:2001 11:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jin: I checked my profile for kicks, but I don't see anything indicative of Karma like, aywhere. Maybe I missed something... -Micah You have karma. Your rating is at a "3". In your profile check at the bottom where it says karma. Do this with your regular "Jinmaster" account. If you really want to see proof of it (other than your glowing shields) I can send you a screenshot . At least you know that James appreciates you! (though if I could hand out karma myself I'd give some to bahn) later! Posted by Slick on 03:22:2001 11:47 PM: quote: Originally posted by Flint3125: Well, I agree IK completely. The Staff of SRK has done a terrific job here and they deserve our thanks and congrats. Thanks for putting up with all of us and providing a great site. Congrats for having a life on top of the above. As for the Karma guys, I'd like to say something witty. I can't so I'll just say this: What's the point of Karma? 42. And on the seventh day God went to the arcade... LOL! Looks like we have another Scott Adams reader in the house! As far as the mods are concerned, I am forced to agree with the mods that stated that the primary job of moderation is to keep the posts more or less on topic. Trust me, you don't want a metamod system here - and it would require too much communication between all the admins. As Javier, Derek, Mr. Cannon, and A-Chan pointed out - they do have lives. And that is a good thing, too. The members here probably tend to irritate and stress the admins out. They *are* doing this for free after all (I'll contribute to B5, honest! just make sure my contribution goes toward game rental and not prize money :evilgrin . All times are GMT. The time now is 10:54 PM. Show all 76 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.